L’Association Internationale pour

l’Étude de la Mosaïque Antique (AIEMA)

North American Branch



OCTOBER 16-18, 2014

The Getty Villa at Malibu




(Click on the titles to gain access to the abstracts)




Jeanne Marie Teutonico, Getty Conservation Institute

“MOSAIKON: a regional initiative for the conservation of mosaics in the Mediterranean region”


Jeff Maish and Eduardo Sanchez, J. Paul Getty Museum

“Considerations and compromise in the conservation of a fragmentary

mosaic panel of Achilles and Briseis"


Nicol Anastassatou, American School of Classical  Studies,

Corinth Excavations, and Betsey A. Robinson,

Vanderbilt University

"A Roman mosaic in the south stoa, Corinth,Greece: new studies and

conservation plans"


Mosaics of Italy and Gaul


Kenneth Lapatin, J. Paul Getty Museum

“The Getty Bear Hunt Mosaic: past, present and future”


Wall Painting and Stuccoes in Campania


Bettina Bergmann, Mount Holyoke College

“Digital restoration: the Casa del Citarista in Pompeii (I.4.5)”


Elaine Gazda, University of Michigan
“Women slaves and the Bacchic murals in the Villa of the Mysteries in



Eleanor Winsor Leach, Indiana University, Bloomington

“Campanian couture: identifying women’s costume in  painting”


Regina Gee, Montana State University

“Fragmented histories: a study of fresco pieces from earlier decorative phases
of the decoration of Villa A at Oplontis”


Mosaics of Spain and Portugal

Marek Titien Olszewski, University of Warsaw

“Le programme iconographique de la villa d’Arellano: l’abandon de

l’identification de Cybèle et Attis, de son culte et la justification de la

nouvelle interprétation des mythes grecs”


Miguel Fonte Pessoa, DGPC-SEC, Conímbriga – Portugal APECMA

“Mimicking  'marble' in Roman mosaics in Conímbriga"


Maria J. Duran-Kremer, independent scholar, and

Mustafa Şahin, Uludağ University at Bursa

“East meets west: investigating the reciprocal influence of east and west

in the Roman  geometric mosaics of Portugal and Turkey: a comparative


Mosaics of the Eastern Mediterranean


Komait Abdallah, Syrian archaeologist

“A mosaic of Ain El Heloui discovered at Latakia in Syria”


David Parrish, Purdue University

“The so-called monastery at Torba, region of Halikarnassos:

architectural design and mosaic decoration”


Aliza Steinberg, graduate student, Tel Aviv University

“Gender, status and dress code as reflected on the mosaic pavements

 within the historical - geographic area of Eretz Israel toward the

end of late antiquity”


Mosaics of North Africa


Jeremy Rossiter, University of Alberta

 “A tiger by the tail: the hunt mosaic from the Central Church at Cyrene”


Angela Kalinowski, University of Saskatchewan

 “Reflections on the mosaic of Daniel in the Lions’ Den from the

Borj el Youdi: iconography, amphitheater spectacle and patronage”


Ancient  Mosaic Workshop Practice

and Modern Connoisseurship


Marie-Francoise Dumont-Heusers, AIEMA Paris

 “The geometry of Roman mosaics: an example in Vaison-la-Romaine” 


Pat Witts, independent scholar, England

 “Animal instincts: patterns in the nature and distribution of

Romano-British animal mosaics”


Ruth Kolarik, Colorado College

“Fountain-of-life mosaics from Macedonia”


Irina Andreescu-Treadgold, independent scholar, St. Louis

“Connoisseurship, wall mosaics, and the trained eye”


Contemporary Mosaics


Angela Clarke, Italian Cultural Centre, Vancouver

“Fragments of perception”

Lilian Broca, mosaic artist

“Two heroines of antiquity: from Byzantium to modernism”